the dreaded breaking of tonearm what?

I just got a new (used) benz micro h2 in the mail and began my first install. Needless to say, didn't go very well. Actually, except for one tonearm wire breaking, it wasn't as bad as I thought.

So, is there anything I can do to salvage it? Or, should I just send it somewhere, or just a new tonearm cable? It's just the stock in the MMF-5, but don't have a budget right now for anything much better.

What would you do?

Good news: even though I only have sound through one channel, it already is an incredible difference. I think I need some extra counterbalance weight, as the force is tough to adjust. But already much better, except for the fact there is no soundstage with one speaker..

Pablo, what did you do to damage the cable?
I will be installing a new cart pretty soon for first time.
Kind of wanted to know what are the DOs and DON'Ts when installing. Cartridge is Benz Ace. I feel pretty confident I can do it, just wanted to know what I should avoid.
Audphile....It really wasn't too bad. The clip on the white wire was stuck just a bit, and when it finally freed loose, it just shot off and snapped the cable in two. I've heard of people using toothpicks to help loosen them before pulling with the needlenose pliars (make sure it's a fine pair of needle nose). I've heard of others putting some substance on the clip to help loosen it up as well. Just be careful, steady, and just pry the clips off slowly, don't pull. I learned my lesson with the other 3
If you are going to rewire ,I suggest a 24ga or greater solid core wire> 30-35ga would be best/sliver?
Got the connection soldered back just fine, though not the prettiest connection.

I think I'm going to either do a re-wire or look into one over the next couple months...but, for now, I'm happy...Thanks y'all!!
Pablo, thanks for your answer.

How is the Benz sounding?

Enoying it?

I am ordering an Ace Medium to replace my Sumiko Pearl($95) and am expecting an improvement, although I am also about to change the phono stage soon, you know how it goes...