The Golden age

Why isn’t Krell building real power amps anymore?The Krell FPB-700cx cost $14,000 when it was available a decade ago. This 180-pound monster had two 4kVA transformers, and a fully regulated output stage with banks of transistors. There is no conceivable speaker this powerhouse could not drive into oblivion. Its 700Wpc-into-8-ohms output doubled down all the way to 2 ohms, at which it reportedly could produce over 6000W before it quit. The top Krell amp now, the Duo 300 ($8500), produces 300Wpc into 8 ohms, weighs 70 pounds, and has fans to cool it instead of the massive heatsinks that all Krells used to have. The transformer is 750VA. What gives? Am I the only one who sees the new Duo models as “home theater” amps designed for custom installers? They’re not what founder Dan D’Agostino once envisioned, and what built the company: audiophile powerhouses, a man’s amp, the baddest dudes on the block. If you’re listening up there in Connecticut, please rethink this and tell us that there’s a second line of amplifiers coming that will be the real deal. To the Krell management, remember what Stephen Covey said: “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” What happened to the Mark Levinson brand? There was a time, not so long ago, when the name Mark Levinson was revered. Whether amplifier, preamplifier, or digital component, when the classic ML logo preceded a model number, you just knew that it would be a contender for the state of the art. Remember the No.30 digital-to-analog converter? How about the epic No.20 and No.20.5 monoblocks? These products were icons, and represented the aspirations of many audiophiles. Lately, not so much. While the Levinson brand still lives, no one I know speaks of it in reverent tones. The No.53 amplifiers have gotten pretty good reviews, but these days I hear nothing of their digital products -- like Krell, ML now seems to make more “home theater” amplifiers than anything else. Maybe the company’s products stillare up there with the best, but ML’s messaging isn’t that good -- it often happens in a too-corporate environment. Or maybe the team of engineers Levinson had back in the Madrigal Audio Labs days are long gone, and there’s no one left at the Harman Luxury Audio Group who can design really great stereo components. I wish I knew what the deal was, because I miss this iconic brand, and often wonder if it’s ever coming back.
 if you can shed light on any of this, let ’er rip.
Here is a bit of news that was shocking to me, because bill Mckeagan is in my opinion the reason for a lot that went on and on going at krell, for Dan D’Agostino to hire bill Mckeagan is a mistake!
audiolabyrinth, in this thread you are the only one to know that re-hiring Bill McKiegan is a mistake. until you mentioned his name, i never heard of this dude (not that i know everyone in the audio industry; far from that but one would have seen/heard of him since i’ve attended a few audio shows & seen/met quite a few industry insiders). without slandering any person can you elaborate more on why re-hiring this person is a mistake?? Dan D’A seems to like him quite a bit (even tho’ maybe Dan D’A doesn’t know what’s allegedly instore for him....).

Hi bombaywalla, I have been involved with knowledge of krell history for the past 25 year's, I own krell products now,  I'm not sure you know the fiasco story of how Dan D’Agostino got kicked out of his own company that he co-founded with his wife,  part of the story is krell was going bankrupt because of the lack of sales of the Evolution E product's,  to assure this not to happen,  Dan acquired kp enterprise as an investor,  and in doing so they installed their own executive there at krell, in all this process bill Mckeagan is the person responsible for the many products there at krell and the direction the company was going that resulted in poor marketing of the products,  Dan attempted to go in another direction,  and was met with a dispute with the kp enterprise executive,  Dan tried to fire the executive,  the result was being escorted off the property by the police! , an avid point here is bill Mckeagan was backing kp enterprise,  then after Dan was no longer at krell,  Bill again took krell in the direction it is in now as recent president. 
thanks for this info audiolabyrinth. I had read there was a fiasco at Krell where Dan D’A was ousted but did not have any idea about the dirty laundry. There are a few instances in the audio industry where a similar thing happened - Roger Sanders at Innersound, Dennis Had at Cary Audio, Ralph Karsten at Atma-sphere, Mark Levinson at Levinson are a few that come to mind. Ralph was lucky - he got Atma-sphere back. I don’t know the details.
Yes, if the recent history of Krell is as you wrote it then it’s quite amazing that Dan D’A has re-hired Bill McK.
Dan D’A seems to be a pretty smart fellow founding Krell & producing good products (atleast early on) - no matter how bad the products, it takes a certain smart person to run a successful business. i can’t believe that if Dan D’A felt he was double-crossed that he go back to re-hiring Bill McK. Maybe there’s an inside story that we don’t know?? just saying....

Hi bombaywalla, I know Ralph Karsten, yes he was lucky, I also know Gale sanders that use to own Martin logan back when I use to give seminars on resonance tuning of components, I agree with you, there has to be an inside story we don’t know about with Bill Mckeagan, but as you said, you never heard of this guy, mmm, lol!, he was supposed to be doing shows and promoting krell, a president garnishes recognition and makes business decisions to benefit a company.