The great myth of the XlR


Is it just me that likes the sound of RCA terminated cables better ?

Pleas dont come with the technical reason why xlr are superior im talking purely about how the sound.

(I know with fully balanced amps and cd players xlr are the way to go.)

In my experince rca cables sounds more musical pure and simple and have a more solid soundstage.

Xlr`s seem less musical but bigger soundstage more transperant but in a bad way.

Eny one that are hearing the same as me ?

My point is not all recordings are good. You will always have some that don't quite cut it and the system should reflect that. If a known bad recording sounds good, then you have a system that is not neutral. BTW, neutral to me is not a preference. It either is or it isn't. After 40 years of playing with this stuff, I can pretty much tell you if a system is neutral. Most aren't!!!! Some don't like neutral (as in your individual preference statement requarding this point.)A truly neutral system will not "Tear" the music up as you say. If it does, then it is not neutral. But you should only get what is on the recording, nothing more, nothing less. Anything else is ---distortion!Therefore, not all recordings sound the same nor are they all good. This has been discussed in many other threads. Neutral does not mean thread bare or unmusical to me.If somethings are better hidden, exactly how do you get your equipment to "Hide" just the stuff you deem unfit? If it hides anything, how do you know it isn't hiding something you really want. A system cannot be selective. It either presents the entire signal for better or worse or it distorts it---plain and simple.
BTW, no way it hell you better the real thing. If you have bettered it to your ears you have created some sort of euphoric distortion! The "Real" thing is what we strive to reproduce, nothing more, nothing less. To pretend anything else---well, it goes without saying.
It is like home theater. Most people like its sound. Is it accurate or neutral? Not on your life. It is music manipulated to the extreme, compressed and presented as a poor representation of what was originally there. Does it sound good? Sometimes. Is it accurate or neutral? In no way shape or form.
Ah the Great Myth!!! I am a dealer for deHavilland electronics, perhaps the finest sounding single ended amplifiers and preamplifiers available. I have yet to find a balanced set up that conveys the music and emotion. It can't be just me, speak up boys.
So Sounds real _ audio. Is it the equipment or the cabling? And why wouldn't a balanced system not be able to convey the music and the emotion. Kind of a misguided blanket statement from a dealer wouldn't I would say? Wouldn't have anything to do with this equipment being ONLY single ended would it?
And "Best sounding?" I think this will be in dispute until the end of time or i-pods take over!
For what it's worth Musical Fiedlity only uses RCA connectors on their stuff....I assume they must know something about what sounds good.
I knew i was not the first to notice this.

Again i must state that with a truly balanced design like ayre using xlr is most duffently the way to go.

Now my tact amp is indeed a truly balnced design (if i read it right) but my slimdevices transporter is not.

I think il just have to try for my self.