The Intellectual People Podcast - Galen Gareis (Former Belden Wire Designer)

Former Belden Wire Designer Galen Gareis explains how cables need to meet certain standards and the design parameters around them. He also speaks about the actual science and the subjective side within hifi audio.


Well if you dont understand you probably never will but I will give it one more try. 

So Doug is supposed to be a reviewer who works for an ezine; both he and the zine are supposed to be objective. But, and I doubt Doug did a bunch of research on cable design before he wrote his article, he claims all of these attributes that read like they came off the Iconoclast website. More forgivable, but just as irresponsible, would be if he was "educated" by Galen on cable design.  

Third paragraph reads like a biography written about Hitler by Goebbels. Now I am not saying either Galen or Doug are Nazis or even bad people (obvious but necessary to point this out in this day and age) but what he wrote is nothing more than a honeyed synopsis on Gavin to add credibility to the cable and the company. 

So this comes off as an ad because it is an ad. I have no problem with any reviewer stating that he loves a cable but this is way over the top and lousy journalism from a supposed objective source of information.

So I am faced with this type of ad and what am I or anyone supposed to think? I can only guess that this type of journalism is written only with gaining favor with the manufacturer in mind. Why not just have the manufacturer write the review?

Perhaps its just me because no one has piped in, but I have had enough to this type of stuff. Hurts the industry and should insult everyone's intelligence. At least it should cause a very long pause.  

audition_audio starts with a wrong assumption in regard to me once again, and develops as string of baseless conjectures.

I have for 14 years regularly conducted reviews of cables, and of my own accord, not for fulfillment of requests of the magazine, issued interviews with cable designers to learn as much as I can about cable design. The reviews are typically technical. I can produce the Interviews, if you wish. At one time Constantine Soo, Publisher was shocked to learn I had issued a technical Interview with almost all reviews I conduct, never published, and he discussed the possibility of publishing them. Seeing as how I have corrected audition_audio’s baseless insinuations prior, and he/she keeps producing them, I am stating publicly that I have every one of these interviews to prove that I have delved into cable manufacturing more than average.

In the case of Iconoclast, perhaps audition_audio is unaware that a particular aspect of Galen’s intent in making cables is to make design information available to all, thus lengthy technical videos are on youtube for all to see. Go look at them and tell me I’m wrong about my statements about the depth of design knowledge. I watched some of those videos. Perhaps some people here are threatened by the information about the company and the cables. Anyone can watch the videos and see for themselves the depth of expertise.

I am being mischaracterized once again by audition_audio as though my interests are questionable. My intent on contributing my initial post about Galen and Iconoclast was because, 1. It may seem obvious to most that this IS a thread about Iconoclast, and 2. I have what I feel is an important article to share with the community. My intent was to call attention to my writing, which in the article addresses the old objectivist/subjectivist debate regarding cabling. The post was an ad for my writing, not the cables. The discussion about Iconoclast and Galen were to substantiate that this would be a serious look at cable design in an obvious article about how cables sound. audition_audio had no clue about that, but instead of asking questions, he/she jumps to conclusions and piles on.

I requested previously that audio_audition kindly refrain from attempting to diminish my reputation by making insinuations, but he/she does not refrain. I have corrected him/her publicly repeatedly, but it persists. It would be nice if audition_audio would learn to ask questions instead of letting imagination run wild. :(

Why am I not discussing with audition_audio? Because I’m not inclined to talk with people whom I have corrected, and still attempt to damage my reputation.
This entire debate is a living proof of what I state at the beginning of these thread ---- the position of Galen is a lose / lose proposition.

The "objectivists" hate cable. They believe they do nothing, just as most of the things audio.

They basically have the following attitude:

1) Cable manufacturers that do not mention anything on technical aspects of their building process: snake oil. Hate.

2) Cable manufacturers who explain all technical aspects, and provide measurements: hate even more. Big time snake oil. Why? Because it rattles their own theory and the foundation of their beliefs.

This is why this is all lose / lose. No matter what technical explanation one provides, objectivists will never be happy. They will always say things like: beyond audible effects, measurements are done wrong, no impact on sound, blah, blah, blah....
No Doug your article is an attempt to draw attention to both your writing and the cables. An attempt to sell both. I am done and I will try to refrain from commenting in the future because you obviously dont see the problem and never will.