THE LATEST---Gold plated fuses?

My pal just learned of 25 dollar a pop,gold plated fuses.He is about to buy a bunch,and is giving me the "typical" pitch.This is an area I'm really sceptical about.I have no problems with tweaks,but these look like overkill.Any thoughts?
Porziob - don't knock them if you haven't tried them.

Rja - Isoclean fuses are sold direct by According to Brian Ackerman at Aaudioimports, Isoclean makes them in slow blow only because they found fast blow don't sound as good. I imagine the Hifi Tuning fuses are also excellent, and it's not a lot of money to try one or the other or both.
I was skeptical, but the level of performance raised way out of proportion to the price when I installed them in my amps. Bass got deeper and more tuneful, no question about it. Coating them with Walker's most excellent SST was also an improvement, especially in soundstage depth and imaging. Benefits were also there when installed in a PowerPlant, CDP/preamp, and speakers, although, as Brian found, not as dramatic as the amps (JC 1'S as well). I will probably install more of them inside the amplifiers when the upgrade high fades. It's a cheap fix.
Haven't tried different fuses but I do hear a difference by wrapping Teflon Plumber's tape tightly around the glass portion three or four times. In my system I hear an attendant reduction in edge definition. As always YMMV.
I must confess I had to persuade myself into purchasing the Hi-fi tuning fuse. They are made with silver wire, ceramic casing and are gold plated. Each fuse is handmade so I figured it cost at the most $1.50 to manufacture each fuse. The fuse retails for $24.95. Now I am a business owner and realize profit is not a dirty word. However, the last time I made a 1600-1700% gain was when I was 24 and invested in Yahoo.
I first heard about the Precision HI-FI Tuning fuses when I was using the lending library at the Cable Company. Steve Aug presented his sales pitch and told me how they differed from other fuses on the market. After tossing the idea around in that 10 oz. of gray matter between my ears I called Steve back and told him to place my order.
I was informed I was the first in the USA market to receive the fuses. I had no bench mark to go by concerning the fuses so I had some trepidation about how they would turn out. After installing them I was relieved to hear an improvement. Let me rephrase that. The Hi-fi Tuning fuses did not degrade the sound as much as the stock fuses. To my ears the Hi-fi fuse did not have a sonic signature of it's own. It simply did less harm than the stock fuse. I used Xreme Quicksilver Gold on the stock fuse with good results. With the Hi-fi fuse I wanted to put them at a disadvantage so I installed them without the Quicksilver Gold. The improvement with the Hi-fi fuses was clearly obvious. I treated the Hi-fi fuses with Xreme Quicksilver Gold and for 50.00 (two fuses) I could not ask for more.
I did not compare them to Iso Clean or any other fuse except the stock ones I had on hand. I purchased the Hi-fi because on paper they appeared to be of higher quality compared to what was being offered. In my rig and to my ears they were well worth it.
Considering that their are people purchasing a Timex clock for $199.00, that you can get for free with a one year subscription to Sports Illustrated, then I guess a 25.00 fuse is not so unreasonable.