The longest you have owned any gear?

Not counting accessories such as a Zerostat which I bought eons ago, the one piece of equipment I own which I've had the longest is my turntable- 19 years now. 

What's been your experience? 

Denon DP-60L turntable, several cartridges (Dynavector Ruby, Dynavector Diamond, Ortofon, and a couple more), Sota head amp, and a G.A.S. Thalia II pre-amp - all purchased 1980 from Paul Heath Audio in Chicago. That makes for about 37 years. I have the original boxes and packing materials for the turntable and pre-amp. 

Better yet - A pair of Avid 103 loudspeakers purchased 1977. That makes for 40 years. I have the original boxes somewhere, but the cardboard has gotten so dry and brittle they are almost unusable. The speakers work fine. 

I still have my KEF 105's from 1979. Fired them up in my basement system after a long hiatus a few months ago. They still sound pretty good. After that, my first CD player, a Yamaha CD2 from 1984 - not so good!
This little oddity: a vintage 2-outlet isolation transformer manufactured by NCR. That stands for National Cash Register, folks. I acquired it in ’97 from a friend who had done a few mods to it. I gave him a pair of Linn Tukans and he gave me the NCR and 48-feet of van den Hul CS122 speaker cable. To this day I think I got the better part of that deal. The NCR isn’t stout enough to use with amps; just sources like CDPs’, tuners and turntables.

Years ago I owned a PS Audio Power Plant Premier re-generator. Initially I had all my components plugged into it but I decided to do an A/B test with my CDP plugged into the PPP and then the NCR. To my shock and dismay the CDP clearly sounded better with the ancient NCR. The PPP is long gone but I have a warm & fuzzy feeling that the NCR will be with me to the very end.
Bryston 4B-bought used 24 years ago. Now does the duty for my peripheral zone, 4B SST for my main speakers
My Hafler 9303 power amplifier which I bought in 1995 when I graduated from college. It was still in used until last month when I replaced it with the Job 225 power amplifier. 22 years in total with no problem.