The Most Philosophical Song You Ever Heard

This may be a little too deeply personal for some, so reader discretion is advised. Don't know the reason, stayed here all season. Nothing to show but this brand new tattoo. But it's a real beauty, a Mexican cutie. How it got here I haven't a clue.
Blew out my flip-flop, stepped on a pop top, cut my heel had to cruise on back home. But there's booze in the blender and soon it will render that frozen concoction that helps me hang on.

A bit long winded but worth the read based on the questions. The song is...

Dead Can Dance
How Fortunate the Man with None

You saw sagacious Solomon

You know what came of him

To him, complexities seemed plain

He cursed the hour that gave birth to him

And saw that everything was vain

How great and wise was Solomon

The world, however, did not wait

But soon observed what followed on

It's wisdom that had brought him to this state

How fortunate the man with none

You saw courageous Caesar next

You know what he became

They deified him in his life

Then had him murdered just the same

And as they raised the fatal knife

How loud he cried "you to my son!"

The world, however, did not wait

But soon observed what followed on

It's courage that had brought him to that state

How fortunate the man with none

You heard of honest Socrates

The man who never lied

They weren't so grateful as you'd think

Instead the rulers fixed to have him tried

And handed him the poisoned drink

How honest was the people's noble son

The world, however, did not wait

But soon observed what followed on

It's honesty that brought him to that state

How fortunate the man with none

Here you can see respectable folk

Keeping to God's own laws

So far he hasn't taken heed

You who sit safe and warm indoors

Help to relieve out bitter need

How virtuously we had begun

The world, however, did not wait

But soon observed what followed on

It's fear of God that brought us to that state

How fortunate the man with none

The Great Mandela by Peter, Paul and Mary.  One of the great anti-war songs of the 60's plus, for me anyway, a very emotional thought provoking song.  I still listened to it on a fairly regular basis.   

Also, Where Have All the Flowers Gone.  Another great anti-war song this time by Pete Seeger.

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