The NAD M33 will cancel your complaints about Class D

There are many reasons to like one type of sound over another. Even among what are considered very good amplifiers there’s a broad range of tastes and preferences among audiophiles. Just ask a SET aficionado!

However, no class is more maligned, inappropriately, than Class D. To hear some regulars tell it, Class D sound will thin your blood, make your teeth fall out and ruin your enjoyment of just about everything because it sounds so (fill in a lot of tropes from the 1980’s here).

I’ve been listening to NAD’s prior collaboration with Bruno Putzy and I can tell with some confidence that none of those tired old tropes apply. For reasons related much more to tonal balance than anything else, I’m sticking with Class A/B in my main system, but with the introduction of the next gen Anthem AVR receivers and the NAD M33 I may be making the switch back to class D.

You don’t have to like the M33 or the Anthem’s but can we at least agree that it’s time to retire the old guard of reasons not to buy Class D? Lets lay those poor phantoms to rest.
Have the M33 and M50.2 hooked together, using Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S.
Best sound I've ever had in my home, bar none. And I've had some of the very finest gear on the planet.
So, say what you will but I wouldn't trade this for anything at the moment.
Whatever they did, they did it right.


Best sound I’ve ever had in my home, bar none. And I’ve had some of the very finest gear on the planet.

so tell us, as we are curious - what are the other pieces of equipment/systems you have had that are summarily eclipsed by what you mention (nad/spatial m3t)?

not challenging your assertion per se -- but would be useful to know, so many of us on this board can do a little benchmarking on what gear is 'finest on planet' 

thanks in advance...
Lol, of course this hobby is very subjective and everyone hears things differently, that post is just my opinion based on my ears.I started this hobby in 1976, my first system was McIntosh tubes and Klipshorns. I've had McIntosh in my house ever since, but I've also had Audio Research tube preamps and amps, various models. I've had Von Schweikert speakers, again several different models, Magnepans, and Quad. This is my first Class D venture, never heard one before the M33. The only thing I remember being as holographic and with such a detailed image and big soundstage has been some tube gear I had, Chinese Ming Da, big 805 radio tubes and Von Schweikert VR9, the Audio Research gear was very close. I've owned many other brands of solid state and tube gear, really can't think of a solid state system that was this good.
If the M33 lacks depth to some people, it certainly doesn't here, maybe they need to look at other parts of their system or room. With the Spatial Audio speakers the soundstage is huge in width and depth and very accurate imaging. I'm very happy with what I'm hearing and I only have 2 boxes sitting on my shelf now. One balanced digital cable between the 2 and a set of speaker cables, that's it. I needed to downsize and this fits the bill. Gotta Love minimalism.  And another thing, for $9k I think its a bargain.

I haven't loved my time with class d (lyngdorf tdai-3400), but you've got to keep an open mind. I'd be interested in hearing these, as well as the AGD class d designs:

Always a shame when people disparage products they haven't heard. 

Hi jarogers.  
Thank you for your comments.  I have Spatial Audio Lumina 2s driven by an Esoteric A-100 amp and MSB platinum lV DAC.  I have been very interested in the NAD M33 due to the simplicity of it all.  Do you use the Dirac room correction?  If so, did it make a significant difference in your system?  Have you been able to compare the NAD directly with any of the aforementioned amplifiers (McIntosh/Audio Research)?
Thank you again for your posts.