The New PS Audio PWD MKII

Anyone tried the new PS Audio PWD MKII yet? I have been using their DL III with good results for the last two years. I was leaning towards a new Macbook purchase to use as my 'music server' but having learned more about the PWD capabilities I am considering trying it instead. If I understand the PWD details correctly I should be able to connect it wirelessly to my home network, access all music files on a stand alone hard drive of my choice, and steam all the music to the PWD. Have you tried this yet?

You may want to look into single box solutions, like the Olive server, or get something like the Bryston server and connect it to a DAC. These are the more foolproof solutions. Better results can be had for less money if you build your own, but there is always the risk of getting stranded.

I think the current price / performance / usability leader is PC based system with Jriver 17 and JRemote (and a good CD ripping program), but you need to configure it yourself. It is not that hard, but easy to screw up nonetheless.

Turn-key servers are there for guys like you.
Yes, that me be a good solution to my end goal, storage and an easy access solution for listening to my CD collection. If I were to go in this direction I would want to insure that I was not sacrificing sound quality.

Hello Knghifi, all my computer audio components are presently disconnected,
i.e M2M Mini Mac, Ayre QB-9, 2tb HD. I have already ripped a couple hundred CDs and many more are waiting. I don't plan to do anything with the above gear until I have a clear path to follow.
I wish that I had a tech savy friend but it's hard to find anyone, professional or otherwise who is knowledgeable with this field. I'll keep looking.