The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.


"All people in audio need to learn what the essential part is of audio and that is music and the emotion it owns."   bo1972

Yes, we should all be 16 again, when passion and emotion--not the system--made the music so transformative.  Today, the system is important to the experience, but the music still has to be the central passion or we would not be going to these extremes.  Still, I often have to ask myself, "Am I going into the room to listen to the system or to the music?"   
Without Music there is no audio. But even without audio there is still music. I am addicted to music since I was a child. I listen for new music about 2 hours each week. I buy what I really like.

It can be pop, rock, blues, jazz, classical and electronic music. The thing I love most is music what makes me feel emotion. I see it as a connection to be alive.

Tru-Fi is nothing more than how music sounds in real. Sound contains of properties. I had the luck to be able to listen to a lot of live music and also acoustic.

It all had a huge influence on my work regarding audio. Now I can extract all the different properties of each single part in an audio system. And that is why I understand why the stage and sound of an audiosystem is what I hear.

It all started on the 3th of july 1998 based on a mindset that I wanted to know why each loudspeaker sounds so different. In the first years I started to work in audio We had 5 loudspeaker rooms in different price ranges. When there were not a lot of clients I was always testing. Even during evenings I stayed at the shop to test.

On mondays I visited distributers and other shops. I was responsible for the audio magazines. I bought over 10 each month. I had to travel 2 times 1 hour to my work. I hadall the time to read the magazines.

I was interested in expensive audio right from the start. I owned stuff what was more expensive than the most we sold. I was always sending a lot of audio products of distributers we did not have. It was like a candy store for me. I wanted more and more.

In the last years I did the most research ever and I made huge steps. I can create both sound&vision. Based on the fact that I am aware of all the properties they own. I also spend a lot of time on reading about the human emotion.

Tru-Fi sets trail and error systems like it is dust. Trial and error is...........nothing. Based on the fact that there is no foundation at all. That it why most systems lacks emotion.

Tru-Fi can proof and show what is missing. We see it is very easy for all people to understand why their system is so limited. Based on the fact that it is incomplete.

A Tru-Fi system will experience you so much more details, layers and emotion. There is no human who would not choose for a more emotional and complete audiosystem. Based on the fact that our emotion works rather the same.

That is why the story; audio is a matter of personal taste is the biggest lie in the world. Many believe it and I even believed it till january 2016. A trail and error system cannot reveal all the emotion of a recoding. This is a 100% fact.

The thing what is a personal matter is that we prefer different kinds of music. An audiosystem does not create the emotion. The music owns the emotion and creates the emotion. And that is why you need a system what is able to let you experience all the details, layers and the real emotion of the music.

I did thousands of tests in audio and vision in almost 20 years of time. It is a fact that most products are incomplete and not able to reveal all the different properties of sound. I am sorry for those who bought them and own them.

They will always be a limitation in each system you create. They will even lower the level in emotion. This can easily be proven bij sound. This is how we work. And we see it is very easy for all people to understand.

One of the things I really hate in audio is  when people who work in audio tell you; you don’t understand it and you hear it all wrong. After the person was asked what he thought about the system

We see that when you demo a Tru-Fi system all people are excited and many become emotional as well. When a system is incomplete for many it will be not that impressive.

But mannnn when a system can reveal all the details, layers and emotion it will hit and find your emotion. And I am blessed and happy that we can create both sound&vision. The joy and smiles on people their faces makes us proud for  what we do for them.

I am a part of a team of unique people who have one thing in common. And that is the love for music. I contacted Qobuz to give a presentation about music with them togheter.

It is my goal to bring Tru-Fi systems all over the world. The way audio is done right now does not bring the people more close tot the music. Based on the fact that the products are too poor and incomplete.

They cannot reveal the real emotion of the music. We want other people to have the same stunning and additictive feeling as we all own.

You really should have participated in the "talk but not walk" thread.
You would have fit right in and had a blast with MG and all.
I think the discussion would have been very interesting to all
One can’t help wondering if Tru-Fi is the same exact thing as Tuning. Wouldn’t that be something? Is it like a European off shoot? Calling all pseudo skeptics, hel-loo! All E All E in-come free!
40 years living in England never heard the term Tru-Fi.
Call us old school but it was always hi-fi.

Maybe Tru-fi is the grown up tuned version of hi-fi?