The Physics of Electricity

Can anyone explain clearly in either common parlance or technical terms the difference between a $1,000.00 cable and/or speaker wire versus a $20.00 (or so) one? What does wire "do" in an expensive cable/wire that an inexpensive cable/wire does not? Does it conduct more or "better" electricity?
Steve, you must have missed my post. There are many errors in the first article. My original post was,

Geoffkait: “Whoa! Somebody flunked electricity big time!. The audio signal is not the music waveform and electrons don’t travel through the cable. And magnetism is produced by current moving through wire, not by electrons. The B field is the induced magnetic field. Hel-loo!”

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Gosh, Lizzie, I thought you argued about anything. You must be slipping.
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Not sure I would attach myself to Sue Kraft’s Star ⭐️ but of course that’s up to you. I introduced Sue Kraft to Romy the cat. Talk about a cat fight. 🙀

So, anyway I found four big errors in the Belden engineer’s article of how electricity works that PS Audio published on his website. Any takers?