the right speakers

I'm looking for the right speakers in $4,000 - $5,000 range.
What would be a good match for Pioneer Elite top of the line reciever as a preamp, and Musical Fidelity A3.2cr as a two ch. amp. Even in the used speakers market.
Any suggestions appreciated.
You will need to give more info, room size, personal taste in music, what you are looking for in sound...all this is needed for any useful info.
If you can get a an audition with Wilson Benesch line, do your self a favorite. A pair of WB Discovery or Curve used is about $5500 but is hard to find. Ditto what Warnerwh said. It is a very subjective thing finding a pair of speakers you love. Have fun.
What size room will they be in, and what are your musical preferences? There is not enough information given for you to get back anything other than someone suggesting their favorite speaker, which will be useless to you!
Cart before the horse.....The right speakers are what meets your SPL levels/room requirements and is pleasing to your ears and music tastes.

Don't force your speaker choice to match existing components, expecially at $5K price levels. Choose speakers first, independently, and connect with your existing components and, if necessary, over time, trade for components that complement them best. Ultimately you will be more satisfied in the long run.

The speakers have, by far, the biggest influence on the sound. They also have the most compromises in design. Differences between one good amplifier and another will be minor compared to the overal impact that your speaker will have on the way it all sounds....speakers are where the rubber hits the road.

While audio waveforms can be produced and manipulated digitally and electronicaly with extremely high degrees of accuracy, in relative terms, all speakers introduce tons of distortion and colouration, especially as volumes are increased.

Just my two cents...I know many others will disagree....but at that price level you should simply get speakers that really knock your socks off and ignore the other components you already have!
I appreciate everybody who replied. I listen to jazz, classical, some american standards, very selected rock(deep purple, pink floyd). My room is very airy and open. It's a combination of dinning and living areas with no wall between. In addition, the portion of this area where I listen to my music has vaulted ceiling, so the volume is huge. However, my Speakerlab Super 7's have no problem filling it even at very low volume. They have 12" and 10" in each, so plenty of bass at low volume. I listen to low volumes most of the time.