The science of opinion ...

Some may find this interesting (it is).

Some may find this threatening (it isn't, it is science).

Some may read it and use it to help them understand the dynamics of internet forums.
Obviously you have NO CLUE at all as to the reality of my postings of recent times on this thread and what they really appertain to so maybe you should quit while you are ahead.
TBH I am in the wrong for even posting such off topic posts here but they were relevant for people who they concern.
I will cease and desist forthwith as my point has been duly noted by those who need to know.
Good day to all.
Some opinions have littler value than others. Some people believe there actually is a debate. Well, there isn’t. Let’s call it a pretend debate. But if it makes you feel good to think it’s a real debate by all means knock yourself out. 🤪
"...where else can you see so much of human nature on display both good and bad"
Traffic. Although it is mostly bad.
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