Exactly how or why they would introduce phase shift down to 1/10th the cutoff frequency isn't revealed or explained.
In any case, why just those frequencies? What about 20kHz cutoff frequency causing a 2kHz phase shift?
A 20Hz cutoff will induce phase shift to 200Hz, robbing the amp of impact (since that is how the ear perceives phase shift in the bass).
Its filter theory. When the amp rolls off, it does so on a 6dB/octave slope. A 6dB slope causes phase shift to 10x or 1/10th the cutoff frequency (-3dB point) depending on if the cutoff is the low frequency point or the high frequency point, respectively. So you need 2Hz bandwidth to properly reproduce 20Hz and 100KHz bandwidth to do 10KHz.
There is a way around this, by introducing so much feedback that the amp is able to correct phase shift. That amount needs to be at least 35dB, but the caveat is that the 35dB value has to be the same at all frequencies from 20Hz to 20KHz. Most amplifiers made in the last 70 years are not capable of this feat since it requires a lot of gain bandwidth product.