"Rhythm and Pace" is a term that’s been in use for many, many decades and how you don’t see it having any meaning in "this context" is baffling to me, unless you’re under, say, 20 years of age, and have no appreciation for what’s gone on before you.
What you say could be the factors are some of the factors in determining "rhythm and pace". If it comes across more realistically, then it will have that "rhythm and pace."
That, and the contradictions in what you describe in your scenario with one system versus another shows that one system is better at it than another and is, therefore, responsible for the difference.
"Rhythm and pace" aren’t something you can plug into a system. It’s the result of the system, in toto.
All the best,
I am not sure…
In term of TTs, ones that suffer from alteration of the speed when the sylus drag changes could be reflected in the output signal.
But objectively, one could actually measure that if one choose to do so.
That idea of R&P being possible, gets a bit harder to defend with digital equipment, as the clock in the DAC or iPad is pretty accurate… more accurate than a bird knowing it is 9:00 AM. 😋