The truth about interconnects - can you handle it?

Warning: Following this link may be hazardous to your perception of reality.
I do believe that interconnects affect the sound, but the effects are due to the rational, measurable effects of the electrical characteristics of the cables on the signal. Every cable has it’s own R/L/C characteristics. These characteristics affect the signal as it passes through the cable, in the same manner that a filter affects any signal.

The real question is: Why are the measurable, quantifiable characteristics of cables not included in discussions of how the cables affect the sound? For example, replacing a pair of interconnects with a pair with higher capacitance will cause a greater roll-off in the high frequencies. In a system that has a bright sound, this might be good; but in a system that is dark, this would make it worse.

If we could reach a consensus on what changing each of the electrical characteristics of an interconnect should have on the sound, then we could move on to the next logical question, which is: Why should we spend big bucks on a particular set of cables when a pair with exactly the same electrical characteristics can be had for a fraction of the price?

I can tell you for a fact that the guys selling the big bucks interconnects will do everything in their power to de-rail this kind of awareness and self-education within the audiophile community.

BTW, has anyone tried putting a pyramid over his or her system? I hear channeling cosmic energy through your circuit boards does wonders for the sound. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)
Oh, one more point. It is critical to know how much of a change in any electrical parameter is required before you can detect a difference in the sound. Of course this will vary from one system to another, and from one pair of ears to the next; but without it you are just pi$$ing into the wind.
It seems that people will deny that wires make a difference for several reasons:
1) They tried them and heard no difference.
2) They will not try it because their "theory" says it won't make a difference.
3) They're open minded, and would like to try, but are scared that they will be ripped off.

To all those in number 3) camp have a look at this thread. You can make interconnects for under $20 that sound fabulous.
Actually, most of people can tell the difference between cables. It just takes more CD and system tweak to make sure what you think better is generally true for most of music and the variation of your system setup. Any component, like source, IC, amp...., should be tested in a natual listening condition in your home and rest of setup, and please give it enough time. "Blind Test" can be dangerous, are you sure those tester have the same taste and ears as yours? Even you do the blind test yourself, are you sure no simple system tweak can reverse your first vote? The only sure way is to play around with it for a while in your daily life.
Bluefin, our audio memory for detailed musical presentation is very short, same as memorising a phone number for 10-20s in order to call someone in our phonebook. Unless yours imediate recall memory is truly exceptional, after 3 mo from listening to a component you'll have just some vague impressions of how the music details were[ are you very sure that the cable you listen 3 mo ago has a slight tighter bass than the one you listed today? Would you be more inclined to detect a difference if you were listening to the same cables half a minute appart?] ...

Obvious,normal listening does not include switching cables like crazy, but we are not talking about normal listening but of some kind of test designed to pick up some differences...

5 minutes is too long! I'll listen to about 25-30s on one cable, than I'll switch to the other one. If the 2nd cdp will start playing 25s after the first, I'll be able to listen to the same slice of music presented through 2 cables, one after on other.

Tired and nervous? Nah, I'll do it when I'll be rested and relaxed. My happines in life is not linked at all with the test's results, I'll do it for fun [ some of my weekends are booring also...] If any audiogoners are around Barnwell, South Carolina, are all invited for a listen-beer on the house!

Cables not broken in? It may be a point. Many vendors do burned them on the cable cooker, someone can also buy used...

Bomarc,the level matching seems like a good point,I did't think about it. OK, maybe we'll not eliminate the placebo, just reduce it a little will be ok...

on other ideea for a test: same CDP, 2 different cables-ICs R/L to my Mg Head OTL tube head amp and than listen through the Sennheiser Hd600, each ear will listen to a different cable!...what do you think?[ does not seem very rigurous, but is very easy to do it!]