The Worst Speaker you have ever heard.

This should be thought provoking. What is the worst speaker, or the most over-rated, over-priced, over-hyped speaker you have ever heard. Have you ever had speakers that you now wished you had kept?
Avantgarde. I've heard them several different times, and I don't know what all the fuss is about. Looks like something out of the movie "Barbarella" and sound like a big honky megaphone! Supposedly, amp matching is critical, but after hearing them on at least 4 different occasions, I couldn't wait to leave the room each time! The Classic Audio Reproductions (horns) driven by an Atma-sphere S-30 (30 wpc) totally blew away the Avantgarde for much less "moolah". Come to think of it, ANY other horns that I've heard sounded way more musical than the Avantgarde!
Though they really shouldn't be mentioned on AudioGon
my vote would be pointed at BOSE as the most over hyped
over rated speaker of all.

Wow!!!! that felt great saying that. Thanks Jec, for the
Martin Logan Sequel II's are a great speaker, but placement and room size are critical, if done wrong they sound BAD.

Just like a Turntable, set up wrong you will never know how good it really is.

Martin Logon speakers are very good value for the money, but they are not plug in and play.
Once I came across a cartoon in which cop was questioning an old fat lady seated on a chair "Lady we have tweeters that can make you talk" I bet the speakers in question was a 901 from Bose!

Second place goes to Wilson CUB, sheer waste of money!
This is funny to me....of all my years in retail audio, It never ceases to amaze me how people can BRIEFLY go listen to some SYSTEM set up somewhere, and make comments on WHAT THE SPEAKERS SOUNDED LIKE!!!!
I think most everyone here is making references to having heard some speaker at one time, and thus made judgements.
I've heard some potentially world class speakers, time and time again, set up very very poorly, with very missmatched gear!!! My point is that I think too many people make judgements on CRITICALLY BALANCED gear, which is pushed in a wrong sonoic dirrection one way or another, and they blam ONE PARTICULAR COMPONENT(in this case, the speakers) as being sonically underachieving!!! I mean I"m hearing some very nice equipment mentioned in some very poor light by some people. and I know that a lot of those pieces, set up right, in the right system and hands can sound fantastic!
I can't tell you how many times I've heard people "poo poo" speakers because somehow the rest of the system WAS FLAWED!
...It's kinda like people judging the Pressident, when really the congress, senate, and even Judiciary are influencing things as much or more!