Theta Dreadnaught as a two channel amp

Has anyone compared the Theta Dreadnaught (I or II) as a stereo amp to other dedicated two-channel/stereo power amps from McIntosh, Krell, Levinson, BAT, Classe, Pass Labs...and so on?

In particular with current demanding speakers (low impedance).

I am just wondering if because the power supply is designed for five channels, that it might be a good two channel amp, especially since the next offering up the Theta line is over $10K.
I recently bought a Dreadnaught I three channel here on AgoN. Although I originally wanted it for all my surrounds and center, I am going to try to demo some nice big high-end two channel amps to compare. Build quality seems top notch, and it would be really nice to have the same amp drive everything, even if it means two of the same amps.

For now, I am waiting on spade ends for my speaker wires [currently all bananas]...I am going nuts [or is it bananas]!
The Theta Dreadnought 1 or 2 is excellent. The only amp in the $4k and under price range that can smoke it is the BEL Mk IV or Mk V amp. (Then again, the BEL smokes most things...) For the money you can't lose. However, if you can find a BEL used (Mk IV or Mk V only) then jump on it.
Good luck!

Why used? Even new the BELs' are in the same price range as the Dreads'. Unless of course BEL is no longer and going used is the only option. Is this the case?

BEL is still in business. The new models are still $3,895. I was thinking that a used Dreadnought I would be significantly less than that. A new Mk V is simply the best I've ever heard so I'd certainly recommend it.


What other amps have you tried? And, are your speakers hard to drive?

My speakers [Legacy Focus 20/20] are very efficient, but demand a lot of current. Nominal rating is 4 ohms, but they dip below 2 ohms.

The Dreadnaught I is incredible sounding. The piano in Ray Brown's Soular Energy is simply natural. However, Ray plays bass, and that is where the Dread I gives up a bit. It seems to not be able to deliver this same "realness" in the deep bottom end. I suspect it is because my speaker's impedance drops in the bass region so the amp struggles with current there.

Other than that, the naturalness and space of this amp make it a joy to kick back with.

I think if you had speakers that have a stable impedance characteristic; the Dread would make a great two channel amp.

Nevertheless, I really like this ampÂ…I wish to find an affordable [i.e., not $10K+] high current two-channel mate for it.