Thiel 3.6 s and amplifier choices

I recently purchased Thiel 3.6's. Currently driving them with an Aragon 4004 Mark II. Other equip is Arcam FMJ23 Cd, VPI TNT, and Krell KRSII preamp, FMS Grey cables and old Audioquest Interconnects. Looking for suggestions on amplifier as I think there is a lot more to be had out of these speakers. Balance is slightly tipped up due to mid bass leanness but they do so many things right. Any thoughts.
I can only tell you from my own system that the CS3.6's can be tipped up in sound and harsh at times until the final combo came into place.(6 pre-amp / 7 amps later,ranging from Adcom up to Levinson,Rowland and Krell)Also cabling will make a huge difference with them.No matter what the price tag was the final combo ended up being the early 90's Krell gear(used).Since you already have the KRSII my advise would be to listen to the Great old KSA-150 or 250.I'm running a KSP-7b pre and KSA-150 for light listening and drop in the KSA-250 for the fun nights with my fellow musicians.Cabling is all MIT....and I got to tell this is the last "wanting" of anything new for me.Besides,all the money that was budgeted for new gear allowed me to buy mutiple amps and good cabling and even allowed me to have 2 dacs for different types of music....Thiels love power in the form of class-A and the older KSA series before the days of slide biasing where much better for the Thiels...I've tried the newer amps and was let down to a degree because of the huge cost to improvement factors.....e-mail me if you want get a few more ideas.

You've Got To Believe Me on the Krell matching for the cs3.6's.............
Check this idea out: $1750.00 for this KSA-150 stereo amp now and add another one a little later when budget permitts,,,,send both to Krell and get back the awesome "MDA-300" monoblocks....300 watts/8ohm--600watts/4ohm--1200watts/2ohm--2400watts/1ohm.
//I'm looking for another KSA-250 to do this with for the MDA-500's!!!!!
I also have Thiel CS3.6 being driven by a Krell FPB-200 and the combo is just amazing. My uncle have the same amp as you the Aragon 4004 being used for his Thiel 2.2s and that just sounds right as the 2.2s does not require much power as the 3.6s. Get a Krell amp with at least 150 watts is all I can say.
Regarding the balanced being tipped up, I use to have the same problem and I solved them by using BDR #3s as footing for the 3.6s.
the rest of my gears are Krell KRC3 and EMC1 Cd player with NBS Monitor series cables and FIM Gold PCs.
Curious about the changing of the guard. Within the past year, there have been at least 4-5 relatively long threads regarding amplification for Thiels. (Worth doing a search and comparing the comments--some of the past threads were fairly detailed and very helpful). Odd thing is, contrary to the ringing recommendation for a Krell / Thiel synergy in this thread, in past threads that combo was the one thing that folks were very consistently warned off of as just plainly a bad mix (with the primary criticism being that the combo was far to analytical and bright). Just goes to show, there aint no arguing with taste. The hands down consensus (brand preferences aside) is that Thiels flourish best with genuinely high current amps. Folks seem to have had the best results with around 200+ wpc from amps that double output into 4ohms (400pwc into a 4 ohm load), which, as I'm sure you know, the 3.6's average. Try to give the Krell & Thiel combo a listen, maybe it's your bag, folks seem to either love it or hate it. Personally, I went with a Bryston. Enjoy. (P.S. despite all of the desperately urgent and genuinely earnest insistence that X + Y = The Best, as long as you let your own ears do the choosing, you really can’t go wrong).
I have Thiel 3.6s at my beach house, and used the Aragon 4004 at one stage (but not for long, it is very solid state sounding if you know what I mean). I now use a Plinius SA250 Mk IV, and the combination is utterly stunning - after going through a long list of amps including Classe and Krell. I don't recommend the SA250 in all applications as it can sound slow with some speakers, but with the Thiel 3.6 - there is true magic going on.