Thiel 3.6 s and amplifier choices

I recently purchased Thiel 3.6's. Currently driving them with an Aragon 4004 Mark II. Other equip is Arcam FMJ23 Cd, VPI TNT, and Krell KRSII preamp, FMS Grey cables and old Audioquest Interconnects. Looking for suggestions on amplifier as I think there is a lot more to be had out of these speakers. Balance is slightly tipped up due to mid bass leanness but they do so many things right. Any thoughts.
I use a classe ca200 with great results and all mit cabling, 330 shotguns and 750 series 3's. Plenty of power as the classe doubles down into 4 ohms. the mits compliment the thiels ability to image really well. I also have tubes in the pre which I think is critical. With optimum synergy from start to finish these speakers are incredible. If 1 thing is out of whack they will scream it!I wouldn't recommend having 1 aggressive component in the chain including cables and pc's. These speakers are also very fast and decay beautifully, they need a fast amp to really shine.
Does anyone use a tube amp with 3.6. I have heard many trnsistor aamps with the Thiels and none have pleased as much as an out of production tube AR amp I heard many years ago. Now have Symphonic line and its just OK. Would really like to try tubes.
I also used to power my 3.6's with an Aragon 4004 MkII, but I upgraded to Krell and what a difference! My Aragon never seemed to let the Thiels open up; They sounded strained and congested except at low volume levels. The Krell has fixed my problem. I am in love with my 6 year old 3.6's again.

I've not found my Krell pre/amp by themselves to be a major source of harsh or bright qualities. Rather, the front end of the system seems to be very important. Bright sounding CD players (all too common these days) really sound bad with the 3.6's regardless of pre/amp.
You are right Railaudio - the Aragon does sound strained and congested - with a wiriness to voices that is very hard to like.
I have Thiel 3.6s and used the Simm Audio Moon W-5
it keep blow my tweeter and midrange drive. What wrong to
my system? any one have solution