Thiel 3.6's vs. Vandersteen 3 sigs

Looking to upgrade. Currently have Vandersteen 2ce's which sound great, but have slight bass. So, I had to get a Velodyne FSR 12 to compensate, but this is not a really good match, I know. Anyway, I miss the bass that my old Thiel 03a's had by themselves. I'm guessing that Thiel 3.6's may cover all bases well. I'm not familiar with the VD 3 sigs, just hoping that they would cover the low frequencies better. Of course, the other option in to get the Vandersteen sub and keep the 2ce's. By the way, the speakers are powered by a Moscode 600 with a Rogue Audio 66 Magnum preamp. Any suggestions?
Wow this is one for the books. SOTA, Anthem, Classe, VMPS, Aragon, VPI, Musical Surroundings, Lexicon, this is all consumer grade gear folks!
Vandersteen speakers, my dad lives 12 miles from me, I visit and li sten mkst everyday, put together his system for him and auditioned all gear in detail with him aswell. So I think I know a pretty good amount about the Wood Signature Quatro, the VC5 center and his 2 matched Vandy subs. Its nice to revisit useless threads and delusional posts.
Wow, anyone stewing over a comment concerning "speakers" for about four years.....
Thanks to Pubul57 for the great advice!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Best wishes for a great audio New Year!