Thiel CS1.7 loudspeaker

Good Day All,

anyone else here stoked about the re-designed Thiel CS1.7 loudspeaker? Shipping begins next month.
Happy Listening!
I got the $8K price for the 2.7 from the new review in the absolute sound. That figure is in the text and in the specs section. I also looked at the Crutchfield price and it is indeed $9,900. I also say the $9,900 price in other places. Someone posted the discrepancy on the Thiel website, since Thiel referernces the review. Hopefully they will respond. Not sure what to believe currently. Either one seems high as a replacement for the 2.4.
I dunno. I think the Thiel 3,7s at 13k are a great bargain. I ended up getting a pair of SS2.2s to augment it for the low end so now they sound great and are full range down to 20Hz as well.
I called Thiel. The current price is $9,900 but will drop shortly to $8,000. It seems like they initially set the price at $9,900 and then had second thoughts. I think the same thing happened with the 1.7.
Doggiehowser - I agree that the 3.7 is worth that price, although I believe it is up $3K since introduction. And maybe the 1.7 and 2.7 will also be worth their prices. I am just concerned that they have jumped the price so much and left a hole at the entry level.
Many Thanks! All for your input. I hope to demo both the CS 1.7 & CS 2.7 soon!

Happy Listening!