To get more bass out of those 3.6s, you need to look at the preamp as well as the amp. I had lived with a pair of 3.6s for over 8 years, during that time, I was driving them mainly with ARC LS2B Mk II/ML #333. Right before I sold my Thiels, I had upgraded my preamp to an GNSC modified LS-25. That brought more some additional bass out of the Thiels. Chaging the amp to the Pass X350.5 had little more effect on the bass than switching the pre. I actually enjoyed the Thiels with the combo. But ended up deciding to move ahead with my decision to new speakers (Verity Parsifal Encores)
Also, have you tried moving the speakers closer to the backwall? Corners?
Also, have you tried moving the speakers closer to the backwall? Corners?