Thiel CS6

How would you rate these speakers now?
Please let me know.

Steve before I get the Thiel's. I wanted to ask you if my Pass Labs X250 which I love, will be a good match? Please let me know. Thanks Bruce
Update: Thiel's will be arriving next week.
And I will be comparing the Eggleston's to them.
Who will be the winner?
This somewhat depends on the size of the room and the level to which you typically listen. Before I traded up to a Krell 400cx, the Bryston 7BST monoblocks I was using could be taken to the limit with this speaker, but they did not double down into 4 Ohms as the Pass will. Be aware that the Thiels drop to a min 2.54 ohms at 8kHz and the Krell handles this just fine. Don't know how the Pass will react at that impedance, and it may not be too critical if you don't need to drive to crazy high levels. Thiel does recommend Pass amps though as complementary.

Actually, I would caution the use of X250 and recommend going with the X250.5. Prior to my current speakers, Verity Parsifal Encore, I had the Thiel 2.2 and then 3.6 for many years. I was driving the 3.6 with a Mark Levinson 333. When it died, I replaced it with a Pass X350.5. I had been thinking about replacing the Thiels for a while at that time, but the Pass 350.5 brought new revelations about the Thiel 3.6 that I had never heard before. And I was sure that I had pushed them to the limit with my previous setup. It made me reconsider keeping the Thiels for few more years.

Few months before I purchased mine, I had a privilege to listen to a side-by-side comparison of X-350 and X-350.5 at a friend's house driving a pair of Avalons. The X-350 sounded like a typical SS that people complained about, cold, sterile, and unimvolving. We were all surprised that it was very out of character of what we wouldexpect from Nelson Pass. But the X-350.5 was very different. It retained all the good stuff of the X-350, but brought back the midrange warmth that Pass was famous for. We all felt the difference warranted more than a ".5" upgrade designation.

Hi Steve, Nelson and his crew worked on my Pass Labs X-250 for two weeks around 6 years ago. It was having a slight noise problem that was coming from the right channel. while working on it, and trying to solve the problem. The new circuitry that's used in the X-250.5 was developed. Boy I got lucky!You could say my amp was the prototype that became the X-250.5. Nelson even told me on the phone, that it was a much better amp then the X-350. So I'm sure it will be fine.
Crazy but true story Steve.