Thiel CS7.2 vs Revel Salon2

I currently have the Thiel 7.2 and am thinking about upgrading. Has anyone compared these two speakers in your own system or in a familiar environment? I appreciate your feedback. Thanks.
Just a thought, I you're itching to upgrade and you like what you have, have you thought about working on reducing your AC line noise, reducing your noise floor?

This was suggested to me and it's been one of the biggest upgrades I've done:

A 5 kVA .0005 pF Isolation Transformer will reduce your line noise and noise floor 146 db.
>>>I am going to audition it this weekend
I sure hope your audition can be at home! I've heard the 7.2 and the Studio (original) and would certainly rate the Thiel as better (among the best I've heard). BUT, it wasn't a fair comparison as the speakers were in different rooms, with different electronics, and with different care in set-up. The Salon2s are supposed to be very, very good but I don't know how well you can compare unless they're plunked into your room. Good luck.
The CS5 trumps the CS7 easily. The image density is better, the clarity about the same.
If one could simply go in to the cross over and replace the air core inductors with really high quality ones for the 5's they might very well be one of the best ever loudspeakers created. Certainly, in Rosewood, they are ever so beautiful.

I agree with Lrsky, but the CS5's need a serious amplifier budget to be at their best, and small rooms are not the best fit. One of my all time favorite speakers.