Thiel is officially closed!!

In today's Column by Ted Green. Thiel confirmed that they closed operations. A sad day for a great company.
From posts on this board it sounds like replacement drivers are no longer available. Instead, it sounds like Rob Gillium refurbishes broken ones.

I wonder if he monitors this thread. If yes, may I suggest, Mr. Gillium, that you offer crossover upgrades to help Thiel owners get the best possible SQ and to give yourself a bigger revenue stream. Win-win!
+1beetlemania.  Excellent idea.  Not something many of us DIY weekenders are capable of!
I'm not sure what you mean?, Sansui and nachamichi are still in business,  I have recently sold new nachamichi sound bars!
Sansui stopped making quality equipment in the 80s...Nakamichi made the best high end cassette decks on the planet in the 70s and early to mid 80s. Both names were "purchased" by other companies to peddle junk equipment.