Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Excellent counter- Dave,

I agree that a hodge/podge of gear, cabling and tweaks can work in any system.  Careful product selection, time and patience will pay off, no doubt.

This would be the proverbial" flip-side" of the more practical coin.
Fun too!
Jafant, i was at the Paris high end show last weekend and was able to audition the latest gear on different speakers.
You asked in an ealier post about lastest Mark Levinson gear, well i was able to audition the n° 519 all in one network player with a pair of n° 536 monoblocks driving TAD Compact Reference and i can tell you i was very disappointed.
The Mark Levinson gear was very bright and fatiguing.
I was considering this gear for my CS 3.7 but for this kind of money i can have much better.
I liked very much the Gryphon Diablo 300, pretty warm, organic and what a base slam.That would be the integrated to choose for the bigger Thiels.
As of seperates 4 good options are the Hegel H30, the Dan d'Agostino Classic amp, Modwright KWA 150 in stereo or mono config and last but not least Aesthetix amps and preamp.
I'm going to audition Aesthetix gear this thursday at a dealer's.
If you have the budget and want to go much higher end you have Steve McCormack's SMC audio gear.


Good to see you again- Thieliste

Do you live in France? The Paris show is excellent, I read the reviews every year.  Much Thanks! for posting your thoughts and impressions.

A few years ago, I had a demo w/ a system featuring TAD speakers as well.
I was not impressed, especially, for that kind of money? So, the presentation may not be of ML fault?  Every time I have demo'ed ML gear, I was not disappointed- even w/ Aerial loudspeakers (another disappointment).

Have not had an opportunity to audition Dan D'Agostino's gear,
Gryphon as Jond pointed out, Hegel nor MW.  I have spent time w/ the Aesthetix gear- it is excellent!  You will enjoy your listening time.

As always, do not forget to give a shout-out to your local dealer/retailer.