Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

I believe that I was running my first pair of 3.5's with a Cayin integrated that put out somewhere around 30 watts in triode believe it or not.  As you've found yourself,  running a little hotter volume wise really lets this brand sing but,  and a big but,  I tend to listen at levels that most people would describe as "low",  even though I turn it up until it sounds "right."

Slipping in a pair of Goertz alpha core veracity cables did manage to effect a somewhat better definition at my level,  but to my ears the 3.6's just aren't providing something that the 3.5's did,  and that appears to be a lessening of the highs?  Just my ears saying that - if ears could talk.

Since I sold off my second Pass Labs X150.5 it might be unfair to compare the two  in hindsight,  especially since I found Pass/Thiel to be the best setup I've had.  (I should hasten to add that I've three pairs of 3.5's...)  The Pass was mated to a BAT VK3i preamp which was also excellent,  but I do think that Pass mates equally well,  if not better,  with an Audio Research pre.  

But then again,  I've decided that separates drove me to distraction,  that I was more concerned with the equipment than I was with the music.  The BAT integrated I now own,  a VK300xse,  has more than enough juice I need for these and any other speakers I may wind up getting - hopefully yet another pair of Thiel.
Good to see you- William (oblgny)

are you still enjoying the sound of your system via Goertz cabling?
Do you miss the Transparent cabling? Regarding the 3.5 model, watch eBay often. As of late there have been many pairs of both 3.5 and 3.6 loudspeakers for purchase.
Happy Listening!
A few of my musical selections on CD and SACD;

The Moody Blues- Days of future Passed
The Beach Boys- Pet Sounds
The Beatles- Sgt. Pepper
The Doors - S/T
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Are you Experienced?
(The) Cream - Disraeli Gears
Black Sabbath - S/T
Pink Floyd - DSOTM
Van Halen - S/T
Tears For Fears - Songs from the big Chair
Jamie Cullum - Twentysomething  (Reference/Demo Disc)

Notice the first (3) titles are groundbreaking concept albums (in their own right)  of the rock/pop era. Happy Listening!

Glad to hear your enjoying your Les Pauls,as I am mine!Like I posted on your system page,my setup with my Les Pauls is far from perfect!I had to move them in my weight room in the basement,away from my Doberman,to avoid any problems!I am getting enjoyable sound down there,despite all the concrete and steel.Most audiophiles would burn me at the stake for my setup now,but my equipment is safe and I’m using it more than ever!I also am using a sub with mine and it blends very well.I used to think using a sub was cheating,but now can’t live without it! Homemade sound panels really made a difference with all the reflection points I have.My basement sounds more studio-like now,if you can believe that?
Good to see you- corvette01-

a basement is structally sound and fortified making it the perfect listening room. Concrete is much more solidified compared to dry-wall applications.
Hope you are well and enjoying this holiday season.
Happy Listening!