Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

^I have no knowledge of it's prowess, but a power only amp with a larger power supply and higher voltage rails would appear more promising.

May I offer the advice that: one should not necessarily assume that because a marque gains a reputation for robust separates that the same badge on a smaller scale integrated will perform the same as those separates. And visa versa, the performance of an integrated does not necessarily reflect what the same manufacturers separates
are capable of. It might, but more likely does not.

Stereophile's measurements suggest that the AX-5 prefers to work above 4 Ohms.
Hmm, must be all that Cardas wiring ;^)

Looks to me that it behaves very well into a 4 Ohm load. These would be good measurements for an amp *with* negative feedback hiding its problems, never mind a naked zero feedback design. At 2 Ohms, it does start to become "stressed" mostly below 200 Hz. I would probably hesitate to pair an AX-5 with, say, Thiel CS5 or Magnepan 20.

Lining the AX-5 measurements up with the impedance/phase traces for the CS2.4, it appears the most demanding frequencies for the Thiel are a bit higher up in the midrange. Nevertheless, one might wonder how these two might pair. As always in these matters, the proof is in the listening. My ears tell me they work together just fine, thanks. I detect no distortions or other unpleasantness at any frequency or SPL I've tried. YMMV.

If I were to audition and purchase based only on Stereophile's measurements I would not even give Thiels a second look, never mind own them! That upper midrange/lower treble suckout looks fatal! And look at all the hash in the waterfall plot! I'd probably own Revels and Halcros . . . and wonder why I wasn't enjoying my favorite music.

[OTOH, Soundstage's measurements of the CS2.4 taken from 28" further away are among the the very best in their database in terms of flat frequency response and low distortion.]

Welp, I at least we can agree that Thiels are great sounding speakers . . .

I heard the Ayre integrated with the 3.7s when I was auditioning them and I definitely wouldn't recommend that combination.  It'd be fine at low volumes but lost definition when you cranked it up a little bit.  I was surprised at the difference I heard when I went from a single 200 watt at 8 ohms power amp to 2 running bridged mono.  There was a definite improvement in low end torque.