Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Regarding impedance, it is what it is. The designer chooses the nominal impedance for fundamental reasons and then optimizes all parameters around those dirver particulars. In particular, Jim needed low inductance drivers for high-end extension and low distortion, which is determined principally by voice coil turn count. Jim believed that if amp designers took their work as seriously as he took his, they would make amps that did their job of doubling their power into halved impedance loads to 2 ohms.

I have expressed a differing opinion here previously. IF the nominal impedance could have been 6 with minimum 4 ohms, the voltage sensitivity would be lower, but more amps could drive the load well. But, that's a big IF, because the laws of physics can not be suspended. So, we have 4 ohm speakers to contend with and the amplifier choice is of fundamental relevance to system performance. 

For the Record: Audio Consultants in the Chicago area was indeed as good a dealer as a manufacturer could ask for. Count on them for straight dealing. In those days of knowledgeable brick and mortar dealers, such questions of system pitfalls and synergy were a big part of the dealers' function. Nobody would be sold an anemic amp with a Thiel speaker and dissatisfaction and driver failures were a rare occurrence. 

Thanks Tom, not the answer I hoped for, but consistent with my preliminary research.
Thanks jon_5912 for forwarding the audio consultants list of used equipment. For those interested, I don't believe the HigherPlane 1.2's were ever priced at $2,180!  I think MSRP was around $995 or something like that.  So the price here of $990 isn't a discount at all.  Not to say that it's a rip-off because these are very rare nowadays given the introduction of atmos so getting your hands on some is a feat in and of itself.  Just didn't want anyone here to think they're getting a discount when they aren't, especially for used equipment.
For those interested in cabling, in my discussions with Gary Dayton, he also told me that my Thiels were internally wired with Straight Wire, so his entire system uses Straight Wire. (Not sure if it was specific for my 2.7s or PCS, or just Thiel speakers in general--I didn't ask for clarification.). Straight Wire cables were used in combination with the 3.7/Bryston set-up that elicited the following response from James Tanner, also from Bryston:

"We shared a demo room with Thiel at the recent Vegas Hi-Fi show in January (CES 2008) and used the 28B's on the Thiel CS 3.7's. Jim Thiel himself told me that it was the best sound they had ever had at a show. Also George Cardas of Cardas cables was so impressed with the setup he was sending people to our demo as his quote was - 'that's the best sound I have heard at a show in 20 years'."  Curious how this setup compares to the reference one used within Thiel with the Krell mono blocks and Goertz cabling.  Still, this is impressive evidence of the synergy here.

When I talked further with Gary, he expressed that he uses the Virtuoso R2 interconnects, but he recommended that I reach out to Jerry Willsie from Straight Wire to get his thoughts on my system.  Beyond the interconnects, Jerry recommended Pro Thunder power cables and Expressivo Grande II speaker cables.  While Gary believes Straight Wire take a scientific-based approach and price their cables accordingly, these reference cables Jerry's recommending are not cheap.  For example, the Virtuoso R2 are MSRP at $700/meter and the Expressive Grande are $1450 for an 8ft pair!

Jerry was also very helpful and willing to send cables directly to me so I can audition them for an extended period of time and compare them with my current Kimber Kables.  In terms of purchase, he said that I could keep what I liked and I could pay them, but they typically sell only through a dealer network, not directly. 
I  agree with Tom about audio consultants I purchased my 3.5s from them and traded them in for the 3.6s I have owned since 92/93. They are a very reputable dealer and definitely know what they are doing!