I hate to always be contrary but from what I've read the PS audio BHK amps are voiced similarly to most Classe amps. Both tend to be slightly on the laid back side. It seems to me that the Classe amps should be balanced by some crystal clear solid state amps that some would find bright. I'd probably go with Bryston. I've never owned a Bryston amp but I do have BP25 and BP26 preamps. They're extremely unsuperstitious and flat. I would think that Bryston stuff could be used to make sure that crossover upgrades aren't making the speakers too bright.
My first Thiels were the 2 2s. I bought them from Audio Consultants in Chicago around 2010. I consider them the audiophile end of the rainbow. They were old when I got them. They are supremely well balanced. If you listen to unamplified acoustic music and aren't a billionaire this is as far as you need to go. I understand why my 3.7s are better but they aren't all that much better.
My first Thiels were the 2 2s. I bought them from Audio Consultants in Chicago around 2010. I consider them the audiophile end of the rainbow. They were old when I got them. They are supremely well balanced. If you listen to unamplified acoustic music and aren't a billionaire this is as far as you need to go. I understand why my 3.7s are better but they aren't all that much better.