Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I have used a 31 ch. Equalizer, dbx1231, and been able to make some room corrections, of course within reason. These EQ have a balanced out, is that what you are wondering about using 2 EQ? By the way, in my experience, the mid range or higher did not suffer from using an under powered amp, at moderate loudness. 88 dB at 2 watts is plenty for a small room listening to instrumental music.
Small rooms can only handle so much volume before becoming overloaded, but 88 dB doesn’t really come that close to presenting the dynamic range of so much music. With appropriate amplification the 3.5’s are capable of presenting a much better presentation of this musical characteristic.
Thiel’s sensitivity ratings as presented, and as independently measured are accurate, but perhaps misleading/confusing. If one takes the actual impedance into consideration, the sensitivity decreases about 3 dB with each halving of impedance below 8 Ohms.

Missed out on the BAT VK-500, but now seeing Cary 500mb for similar price.  Specs/reviews that I have found are extremely favorable BUT don't indicate the ability to drive a 2 ohm load, which makes me assume they will not stand up well for the CS 2.3s.  Am I right, or should I consider these amps?
If the amp could double down into 2 Ohms they would probably be braggging about. Unless it can be absolutely confirmed, I’d assume it can’t. There just aren’t that many amps that can sustain double down to 2 Ohm performance.
My audio journey. Warning, it's long!

In high school 1974, large Advents, turntable, Yamaha CR-2020, Ortofon cartridge and i was hooked. Listened every chance and late at night with cans.
Wanted more power, got an SAE Mark IV power amp with a SAE Mark 1 pre. Gorgeous looking. Good, not great sound but plenty of power except i would pop the temp cutoff on the amp playing the speakers out the window. But i stopped my journey there, never being overjoyed by the sound. Life got busier.
Then off to grad school, career, kids, and so forth.
Fifteen years ago i reentered the audio market with bucks in pocket. i accumulated Thiel 2.2s in line with Proceed CDP, Levinson 38 preamp, Levinson 332. Loved everything about the sound. Huge soundstage, detail, imaging, full deep bass.I was in love. I would fall asleep with the music washing over me like a warm summer breeze.
Trade up to Revel Studios. What an extended tight bass!! Just more everything!! More precise detailed highs, more low end, but a tight sound not seeming as smooth as the Thiels. Narrower soundstage too. I didn't complain, I just was complacent about the sound. No internet to reach out to for advice. I had no clue of the differences the interaction of components made.

Next the  kids are in sports, i'm trying to exercise, chase kids, make money, keep wife happy, i get tinnitus too. Had financial crunch in 2008 and sold my equipment. Moovin' on.

2018. Kids are out of the house now. Tinnitus not too bad now so here we go!!

I saw some 2.4s on Audiogon, and locally too!! Even better! Hmmm, maybe it's time.

More in a moment.
