Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Though I don't own Thiels I have been enjoying this thread for some time.  (I've been especially impressed by Tom Thiel's contributions: as a recovering philosophy major I've followed his ideas on the epistemology of sound with keen interest).  

Here's a good deal not too far from me.  Even if I had the spare funds at the moment -- and the spare funds for the needed amplifier upgrade -- I don't have enough room for these big beauties.  Not sure of the difference between the CS5 and CS5i, but I see the seller is also selling a dual mono 400w Levinson amp, and has been trying to get rid of both for a while.  I'm betting someone who offered $9k or so could easily walk way with the start of a world-class 2-channel system.
kenazfilanWelcome! Thank You for posting the CS 5 ad. That would be a nice purchase for someone in the NYC area.  Happy Listening!
beetlemaniaThank You for the update. I am looking forward to the final configuration.Keep up the outstanding work!
Happy Listening!
JA - I want to express my appreciation for the group you have assembled here and its productive and cooperative form of engagement. Life is an interesting journey indeed and some gathering of energy such as here can change its course. As most people know at some level, family business is a peculiar beast; rarely is it simple. This group has provided a focus for me to re-approach unfinished business. I thank you all for being here.

Beetle - what a pleasure it has been to have you behind the curtain, questioning, researching, sharing . . . as we have made progress in this delicate matter of re-imagining this product statement of another person and circumstance - especially one's deceased brother. I am pleased with our progress and our results and now approach my own modifications and further investigation with the concrete knowledge and feedback that you have provided. Onward.

Andy - I wish to honor the classic Thiel naming system where a new numbered generation is accompanied by new drivers, generally all of them and usually a new cabinet - a new product on the shoulders of its forebears. Beetle's product remains firmly a CS2.4 with a twist allowed by changing circumstances of time. I don't know what to call these modifications and I welcome all ideas. The working IDs have been Level 1, 2, 3, etc. Beetle's upgrade is at level 3. Functional but oh so prosaic.

All - the presence of an audience here has encouraged me to devote focused time and resources to this project which simply would not have otherwise happened. This group has produced a pair of CS3.6s and an SS1 and SW1 and another SW1 on the way. I'm picking up a pair of CS1.6s this Sunday and have bought a pair of beater MCS1s for research and parts - these pieces in addition to the 4 PowerPoints which were motivated by the project. And my design studio now has a fairly well tricked out electronics and measuring nook for the ongoing work speaker. And it all feels right. Thank you all.