Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
RW - your story strikes the core of our inspiration to "do speakers". Thank you for sharing. That emotional connection you reference is what we identified at the core of the minimum phase presentation. I have subsequently studied aspects of auditory neurology and psychoacoustics to enrich my understandings. Most of the world and nearly all of the technologists dismiss that very element (which you feel) - or at least its connection with phase integrity. You get it.

My present task is a rather difficult one - so many technical aspects go into creating what you have experienced; some are known, some are surmised, some are mysteries approached through trial and error, and some are unavoidable or changeable. I must unmask the limiters without reducing the successes. Of special help is your comment about the added volume needed to unlock the 2.2s. I will contemplate clues around that idea . . .

Of interest to users is that a large part of the puzzle resides in amplification. The 2.2 presents a more demanding load, and your listening experience sounds a lot like signal veil from a straining amp. That load is baked in to the 2.2, and gets worse with many subsequent models. I hope that you can borrow a "great" amp and report your findings to us here.
Rosami - no firm news. The bankruptcy is still pending, so I am behind a curtain. I can say that I am enlisting talent to augment my limited abilities.

I can answer your question regarding hot rod kits. Some general recommendations will flow (and have already) from the work. But the nature of the beast is extremely sensitive to particulars, and all aspects interact. So the "kits" will be very specific. Since custom parts are involved, purchase from Rob will be required.

No news as to timing. But yes, news regarding progress. I am working.
On a personal note, I will be traveling and out of contact for a week. I am attending a master class in soundboard tuning from the Australian physicist Trevor Gore. My primary occupation is designing stringed instruments and Gore's pre-retirement workshop will share his lifetime of understandings, tools and methods regarding what actually happens as the string excites the soundboard of an instrument - and how to  optimize the outcomes. Many of you know that I was building guitars before we diverted to speakers - stringed instruments continues as a first-love; and there are many parallels and mutually enlightening aspects shared among the disciplines. 
Your descriptors of the presentation and sound from your system are perfect. It appears that your Audio journey had been fun and rewarding over the decades. This is what our hobby is all about.  The gear is the driver.The music is the passenger. One does not exist without the other.

Happy Listening!