Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Tom Thiel

I will definitely let you know if I can hear them through an appropriate amp. I've just recently started reaching out to the community, but have been reading the posts for close to a year now. I've never been to any events and none of my friends have the bug, so it may be a while. 

I'm thrilled that you are continuing to pursue and offer your special talents, both in gear and instruments, to the rest of us. Keep the faith!  
Tom, if Thiel speakers keep phase changes to a minimum, would according to the same reasoning keeping the phase changes to zero as in linear phase be better then minimum phase? Creating linear phase is possible with active digital sound processing creating other problems such as ringing but would it not be another step closer to the ideal? My experimentation with the 3.5 seems promising and certainly increased my respect for the quality these speakers already have.
Rules - zero phase rings before and after a transient event. Minimum phase does NOT ring. It's worth some study
I was thinking about your situation for possibly moving to an upgrade in Integrated amp.  I do not know if Linn makes a current model. A few years ago I was impressed with the Rega Saturn-R Integrated amp. I believe that it would match well w/ your Linn cd player while retaining the classic British sound.  Worth an audition.

Happy Listening!

Another thought re your amp situation. If you are willing to consider separates, you could think about finding an appropriate power amplifier and continue to use the Linn integrated as your preamp via its preamp outputs. Using this stepping stone approach, you could then take your time with regards to potentially upgrading your preamp, at which time you might wish to consider worthy preamp/DACs for upgrading any listening you do in the digital arena. Just a thought.