Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Hi Guys.
I haven't posted here very often and for quite some time, but remain a loyal Thiel fan and come back to read this thread often when i have time. 
For some background info...I own both CS3.6s (about 23 years!) and a much newer pair of CS2.4s which i purchased in March of 2019. The reason I purchased the 2.4s was to try to ascertain if an issue I began hearing after I had the "DR" update to my Naim 300 amp was speaker or electronics related. Turns out I heard the same issues on both the 2.4s and 3.6s. So for the last almost-2-years, I've been listening-making changes-listening...and have made significant progress. The most significant change was probably "time" - I think my amp needed many hundreds of hours of burn-in before an upper-midrange glare and harshness became more acceptable. Also, changing my speaker cables from Naim NACA5 to Townshend Isolda cables was significant. 
I've now decided to keep my 3.6s, sell my 2.4s (hope it's OK to plug my new ad on the "other" audio marketplace-in case anyone is interested in a really nice pair of 2.4s) and continue anxiously looking forward to Tom's upgrades on the 3.6s, especially given the recent posts discussing an upper-midrange glare present on the 3.6s that Tom will address. 
I've listened to quite a few speakers in the last 20-odd months and sat through quite a bit of BS from dealers criticizing Thiels, but after it all, I'm pretty confident that my 3.6s are still the real deal, and are worth the wait for Tom's magic. 
Thanks for all the good info - this thread continues to be a great place to read about and share our love of Thiel speakers!


Good to see you again. I hope your CS 2.4 speakers find the next home soon. Absolutely, a change in cable/power cord can make a significant difference. This fact cannot become discounted. There are quite a few here who enjoy the 3.6 model. Tom is working diligently on the upgrade path. Stay tuned.

Happy Listening!
Thank you for your post.
Could you comment on the difference between the 2.4 and 3.6 and why you are sticking with the 3.6 over the 2.4?  I’d love to hear that as I’m considering those two models. Thanks!
While this is only my personal opinion-listening in my room with my gear-it's obvious that the 3.6s and 2.4s have many of the same positive attributes-of which we're all aware. 
I think the 2.4s are somewhat higher resolution speakers than the 3.6s; they have the ability to uncover somewhat greater detail in recordings and perhaps (i'm not sure of this) slightly better imaging and space cues. The larger 3.6s are more at ease with dynamic material and have a more extended bottom end. The mid-bass is somewhat "slower" than the 2.4's (obvious on "fast" electronics such as my Naim system) and improving this area would be one of my main "wants." Also, the 3.6s seem to have an upper-mid glare, and this has been made more evident after I had my amp updated. But overall, in my room, the greater dynamic ease, separate midrange driver, and more extended bottom-end of the 3.6s were the main reasons i decided to keep those speakers. I'm hoping that-with Tom T.'s hot-rodding, there may be potential for greater improvement compared to the 2.4s. It was a tough decision though because the 2.4s do just about everything right.