Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Jafant this is a great thread! Glad you started it!! So happy Tom Thiel is actively involved and posting!! I’m going to post a follow up to my cs7s I bought in early November after having 3.6s that I bought new in dec of 92 I haven’t changed any equipment or cables the cs 7s are better to my ears than the 3.6s in every way (And I’m a big 3.6 fan!!) the bass is deeper  and more realistic, the mids and highs are very detailed the imaging is superb.This is with a cheap pioneer CD player through a proceed avp1 dac I can’t imagine what they will sound like when I get better equipment.The one thing I did notice is my bryston 4 nrb although sounds good and plays at a decent volume level isn’t able to make them play as loud as it did when I had my 3.6s you definitely need a big amp! Anyone contemplating the cs 7s don’t hesitate getting a pair, especially at the prices they are going for! David 

Concur that this thread is a great resource for the Thiel community.

Happy Anniversary!
Much Thanks- All

Like you guys, I am simply a fan of the brand and music lover.
I am still leaning towards an Integrated amp with AYRE at the pole position. I am attempting to find an audition w/ Transparent Gen5 cabling as soon as possible.

Happy Listening!


Welcome! I believe that there is one CS 1.7 owner here.  Stay tuned until he chimes in to address your query.

Happy Listening!