I now realize what I've been misinterpreting for fifteen years. The infamous Stereophile measurements are taken at 50". Their 2.4 test figure #5 "vertical response family" shows the 1kHz crossover suckout just above the tweeter axis.
So at my 9' listening position vs their 4' measurement position you suggest I have far more leeway for vertical response, even though my 38" listening position is only 2" above "ideal." Whew.
I can't understand how JA's 50" measurements correlate to the real world for any speakers but pure-nearfield mini-monitors, regardless of XO design or driver spacing, especially the large multi-ways they typically test.
So at my 9' listening position vs their 4' measurement position you suggest I have far more leeway for vertical response, even though my 38" listening position is only 2" above "ideal." Whew.
I can't understand how JA's 50" measurements correlate to the real world for any speakers but pure-nearfield mini-monitors, regardless of XO design or driver spacing, especially the large multi-ways they typically test.