Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Remember that audio research d-110 I inquired about a while back? Well the guy got it restored and is driving his thiel 3.6’s with it.
I have a pair of Cs 1.5 s that have been great. really don’t have a room to use them now after downsizing and am looking to sell them to someone who will appreciate them. They are great speakers that I’ve had at least 18 - 20 years.  They were fronts for a surround sound thru Rotel  processor!
@sdecker , your post got me to thinking past memory. I went back and looked at measurements for the other loudspeaker brands you mentioned. Of the ones I could find such measurements for, one brand surprised me for it's step response, though there were real problems elsewhere, the time response for the Zu's were  better than I recalled. 

Good to see you here. I hope that the CS 1.5 loudspeakers find the next good home.

Happy Listening!
@unsound  I'm not sure why any single-driver cone speaker wouldn't deliver reasonably accurate step and impulse response.  Sure, they may be compromised by dispersion, frequency extremes, SPL limitations, but so long as they're free from a crossover and, ideally, sealed or open-baffle (ie no port tuning), I see no reason for them not to mirror the amplifier's time response within the limits of their motor and diaphragm assembly.
   I see why large single-panel planar speakers may be compromised as you describe.
   Headphones are apples and oranges to me.  Two very different and equally valid listening experiences, especially with the relatively recent advancements of higher-end headphones and dedicated amps.  YMMV.  My only point was that nearly all headphones are perfectly time- and phase-coherent, with none of the compromises required by single-driver  or Thiel-like multi-way speakers.