Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I promise I won’t get depressed. I love learning about this stuff. If I do, I’ll just go listen to some music. If you don’t mind me asking, what are the sonic differences that cause you to like the 2.4 over the 2.3?Thanks, happy listening 
Jim Thiel calibrated his speakers at a distance of 3 meters facing straight ahead. Ideally you would have a minimum of 5’ from side walls and a minimum of 3’ from speaker backs to wall behind them.
Had the opportunity to put an ARC CD6 into the system with Krell FBI and Thiel 2.7.  The top through midbass was amazing...the best this system has ever sounded.  However once you got into the bass it had no bite.  Symphonic bass drum sounded like they were being struck with pillows.  Double bass didn't have the grunt on the front of the note where appropriate.  Overall I would describe it as "rounded".

Has anyone compared the CD6 to other ARC spinners with Thiels?  My 3.6 are currently damaged and awaiting repair so I couldn't test those.

I would like to read about the difference(s) between a CS 2.3 and CS 2.4 as well.  You can PM me or post here as you view fitting.

Happy Listening!

Thank You for citing your system. It does seem a bit unusual with the CD6 presentation and sound. I wonder if ARC cut corners on this spinner?  Over the years, I have read that the CD7 is the best cd player ARC made. I did not detect any "softening" with the CD5 nor CD9.
I auditioned each player in an all-ARC system. I suspect that a touch of synergy was going on there. 
Which cabling are you using with the Krell and CS 2.7 ?

Sidenote - I did find the ARC CD9 and Aesthetix Romulus equally excellent in a shoot out. Additionally, each of these 2 spinners feature a killer DAC (if this is a consideration?). 

Happy Listening!