the Benchmark gear, both the AHB2 together with their LA4 preamp were given serious consideration.
Loved its diminutive size and weight. It was a semi finalist based on it’s form factor alone. It is the one notable class AB amp that I am aware of that like my 3Bst I could stash away under my antique ice chest.
(You can see pictures of my system and living room here: https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8156 )
But, given that I didn’t want to go the monoblock route, one AHB2 in stereo rated at 100 watts into 8 and 190 into 4 on paper is actually less than my 3Bst
at 125 watts into 8 and 200 into 4. Very much wish that Benchmark had a more powerful amp in their lineup (or that Bryston would shrink their 4B3 down to a size that I could handle). Sure that a single AHB2 would be an improvement,
just not as big a step up as I desire. My happy place is with spl peaking at around 80 db from my listening position sitting ~12 feet away from my speakers.
I have no problem at all getting there with my current Bryston kit (with BP20 volume knob at around 9 o’clock). Just desire something with more cojones that could provide the grip, control, and ease that only a more powerful amp would
be likely to provide. Taken together, an AHB2 / LA4 combo comes in at a price that is comparable to the deal that I got on the CODA CSiB,
and the CSiB I believe has the juice to get me to where I’m looking to go. Liked that the CSiB continues to double down as you halve the impedance. And coming from owning Bryston kit, appreciated the 10 year warranty, and thought the piece was particularly good value for the money.