Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
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@theaudiotweak, Perhaps I was being too generous / forgiving of the Adcom’s as I do seem to remember reports of those 565 mono’s failing and sometimes tsking out speakers in the process,

Greetings everyone and happy holidays. I wanted to weigh in with some comments about my new amp and preamp. I recently sold my PS Audio BHK mono blocks and got a Coda 16 amp. The sonic differences were subtle and someone else may prefer the PS amps, but i did like the Coda a bit better. The main reason for the change was I was no longer interested in messing with tubes.

However the big sonic improvement was when i moved from a Pass XP22 to the Coda 07X preamp. The Coda pre really seems to bring out the best in my Thiel 3.7’s. It is a much more musical unit and I think a much better sonic match to the speakers. The Pass would very likely be better with speakers that are softer and more rounded on the top.

Hi guys, a friend mine asked me if i wanted to demo his monster Pilium Leonidas integrated on my 3.7s.

This is the typical integrated that loves difficult load speakers and can easily drive 2ohms.

Its is also very smooth like Pass Labs so will keep you guys posted when we can do this Pilium demo at my place, should be fun.

I just joined the world of “Thiel owners” by purchasing a pair of 1.6’s.  I drive them with a NAD C 375BEE and so far am really loving them.  Still experimenting with positioning….