Thinking of going 2-CH from HT....Tube ?

I have a Marantz SR6200 with Mordaunt short MS-908 speakers for primary towers. I am upgrading my turntable to a Music Hall 5.1 soon and am thinking of getting a Jolida 1501RC to run the vinyl on a 2-ch system. I would get an amp switcher so I can use the Marantz for HT and then the Jolida for music only. I know tubes are warmer sounding in general, but do you think it's worth it to get a Jolida or will the difference between the Marantz and Jolida not be enough to warrant the cost? The Marantz has a source direct and a decent 2-channel option. BTW I have an older NAD PP-1 pre-amp but am thinking of getting a tube pre-amp. What would you do? I am new to this so sorry if this is a boring question! Thanks a lot for the help
Thanks for the info, so is a Jolida 1501 a good economical choice? Theya re around $400 used. It's a combo amp so it's solid state and tube. I like the idea of the Grant, but don't want to change between DVD player and phono all the time. A switch for amps would be easier I think. If there was a 2-ch tube amp with a phono pre-amp built in it would be even better sp I wouldn't have to pick up a bellisterri. Thanks, Ed
Made the move from HT surround 7.1 dts/dolby etc., about 8yrs ago. Never looked back. Made the move to tubes 6months ago. Not bright or syrupy. But tubes are a commitment, unlike SS. Tubes are not for that faint at heart, I love them though. No intrest in returning to SS. Two channel is where it is at!
I've never heard of an "amp switcher," who makes those? Is it "audiophile quality"? I have heard of a speaker selector, which is a different thing.

I'd be inclined to go with a tube phono stage for the vinyl and Jolida also makes one of those in your price range. You could always add a tube line buffer to the CD source...