thinking of switching from conrad johnson......

trying to decide between pass x250.8 or plinius sb 30, was looking at the cj premier 350 or the McCormack dna 500, but these amps are getting a little long in the tooth.  any suggestion and your experience with these two amps would help.  and what pre amp would work best with them.  since not many preamp companies are left.  and any feedback from whilecamaross is very much welcomed......thanks in advance.
Listening to my Pass X250.8 amp right now. Best amp I've ever owned. The preamp is a Pass XP-20. A superb match with the Pass amp, but it's key to use balanced cables between the 2.

Years back I had a CJ MV60SE and LS172. The Pass gear is better in every way.

BTW- there are lots of choices in preamps- 
yes, Conrad Johnson, tends to roll off the top end.  want something a little fuller sound. 
I would go with a pass amp and preamp and most definitely use balanced cables as previously mentioned.You would have matching synergy that would be hard to beat.I had the xp-10 with the xa30.8 for about a year and loved it.I replaced them with bel canto pre3 and ref600m's which I love even more.

It's all about system synergy matching and the individuals sonic presentation priorities in my opinion.
