thinking of switching from conrad johnson......

trying to decide between pass x250.8 or plinius sb 30, was looking at the cj premier 350 or the McCormack dna 500, but these amps are getting a little long in the tooth.  any suggestion and your experience with these two amps would help.  and what pre amp would work best with them.  since not many preamp companies are left.  and any feedback from whilecamaross is very much welcomed......thanks in advance.
no problem kennesawjet....  keep us posted.  there is a 200 sig iq on audiomart I saw.  they don't come up on the used market often being only a year old or so.  didn't know what budget you were trying to stay around.
There is some silly stuff posted in this thread.  While there is nothing wrong with wanting new kit for whatever reason, to claim some sonic benefit over top level electronics that is up to spec from cj is nonsense.  No one could hear the differences claimed by some in this thread.  Pass Labs stuff is superb, but so is cj and so are so many others.  It is a great time to be alive.
AMEN Bill. Sometimes I'm quite suspicious that people speak of what they know not. CJ is certainly not "long in the tooth", total nonsense.
So much conjecture. I have Coppy’s Premier 350. It’s outstanding. I don’t get anyone who thinks 2005 amp that was absolute reference top of the line would be ”too old”.  Ridiculous! Great yesterday can still be great today. If it sounds good, etc.  also this high end top of the line equipment is built to last. It’s not a $500 amp it was a $8,000 amp.