Thoughts on a NAD M66 and a McIntosh C12000

Looking for opinions. I have a HiFi Rose 150B. While I love the unit (It is just gorgeous) I am moving to BlueOS as I want the convenience of whole home streaming - and sorry ... 150B doesn’t do it (They still do not support Tidal Connect).

I do not want to give up the McIntosh C12000, as it has a gorgeous sound.

The Bluesound Node Icon is coming out .. but it looks a bit basic to put on a high end system.

The NAD M66 is high end, and has a great look - but then I am stuck with a pre-amp on a pre-amp.

Looking for suggestions .. after much research. BlueOS .. DAC that performs.




@audiotroy so is there a way to use the M66 just as a DAC? I have N Valhalla 2 XLRs from the C12000 to the HiFi Rose and would use the same connectors from the M66 to the McIntosh (which I will not be trading in. It is also slaved to the MX123).

or do I just not worry about it? The M66 does its processing, sends via XLR to the C12000 and it does its processing?

@zlone is right. There are no high end DACs using BlueOS. The new Icon that is coming out looks ok, but still a toy compared to the M66 I think?




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