thoughts on the Madrigal Carnegie One

I recently purchases a clear audio turntable through Audiogon to replace an mmf5 and have started to look for a cartridge that would be an upgrade over the goldring 1012 that came with the mmf5. My local shop recommended a Madrigal Carnegie One with very low hours on it. As this is an older cartridge I can't find much in terms of reviews online. The other alternative they suggested in my price range was the Sumiko blue point. Anyone here have experience with the Madrigal? Any toughts on the sound and how it would compare to the blue point or the goldring?

Frogman and I are in complete agreement. It also comes to mind that there are a number of other cartridges in the under $500 category that I would prefer over the BP, including any single one of the best vintage NOS MM/MI cartridges that have been under discussion in the "other" thread. If you are afraid of "vintage", think about the Garrott P77i or the better Nagaoka cartridges that are available as new manufactured items. But to stick to the question at hand, Madrigal is the answer.
I'll throw this out for consideration:

Signet TK10ml.

I liked it so much I had van den Hull retip it!

I also echo the above poster's thoughts on the BP.
Well boys and girls, the bottom line is our boy who started this thread doesn't have much money to fool with here as he is trying to keep his wife from cutting off his onions (if he spends more than 200-300 beans he might have to change his name from Sballs to noballs). We all agree the Carnagie is a better cartridge than the BP (assuming it works ok). The question is does he have a preamp capable of driving its output? He has a MF integrated amp that does have a MC input that is good for somewhere around .3mv. What is the output of the Carnagie?

The last time I heard a Carnagie was at least 25 years ago. It should probably come with an antique license plate.
Mosin, Mepearson, Frogman, Lewm, and Breuninger,

Thanks to all for your feedback. It was very informative... and entertaining (Mepearson, I should have dropped the balls from my screen name a long time ago!)

I will have the madrigal mounted, make sure it isn't riding low, and then have listen. If it doesn't work out I'll probably make due with the goldring for a month or so in order to squirrel away some more cash and look for something in the $750 to $1000 range.

I should have the new table by the weekend and will post back on the results.

Thanks again
Like others have posted, I have a carn. one. as well as several Benz carts. I have not had a problem with elastomer, as with some other MCs. The one thing you will need as Mepearson points out, is a quiet MC head amp. The output V on the Carn. seems to be a little lower than other Low output MCs.