threshold amp

I recently got a threshold stasis 3 amp.i might have made a mistake, does any one know if this amp is worth upgradeing being it will cost around 1000.00 bux.its a very clean piece but I paid 900.00 for it.should I sell it and buy a better model threshold for about problem is if I upgradeit I don't know how far up the threshold chain I will have gone. anybody have any idea where the upgades would take it to? thanks glasspak
$2200 total does seem a tad rich, not a ridiculous waste of money, but perhaps not the best overall value either. IMHO, keeping the amp until a better value appears would be prudent. FWIW, I currently run a Threshold amp refurbished by Jon and am very satisfied with it.
lol its far from a turkey maybe EBM is bitter about something or to many mirrors in close proximity.
im aware of the phase with cj 17ithe amp is clean as a whistle though the inside looks brand new Arnold at tweak audio said his tech went through it and replaced a resistor or 2.the inside is so clean it would must have been taken apart to be so clean.i believe what I need is to have a local tech examine it and tell me whats stock and whats not .maybe ill get lucky and jon solderberg can just do bias controls/circuit board caps/bridge rectifier/and main caps
oops I forgot this amp run so cool so if I get higher value caps and biased higher it should be a noticeable step of my biiggest questions if anyone reading this knows is what level would that be relevant to a supposedly better threshold model. ok thanks for the many responses ...kerry
I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Do you like the sound? If yes then just listen to it. I have a S/300. Love to have a S/500 but do I really have a need for it; no. I have a couple pairs of speakers and have no issues driving them. Now if you bought some crazy hard to drive speakers then maybe you should upgrade. At that point you would want to upgrade then have that amp rebuilt. Or as mentioned earlier just unload this one but try not to lose any money on it.