Threshold SA/3 to Pass Labs X250 comparison?

Anyone done a head-to head comparison of Threshold SA/3 to Pass Labs x250 or owned or auditioned both amps? I've owned a Threshold SA/3 for many years and am considering an upgrade to the Pass Labs X250 -- assuming it is an upgrade. I like the SA/3 but want a bigger, deeper, more transparent soundstage -- within my budget. I understand the x250 is more musical than the 350, is a big move up from the 150, and I just can't afford the .5 series.

Thanks for your feedback!

The rest of my system is:
Resolution Audio Opus 21 CD DAC/Transport (running direct to amp)
Mirage M3's (bi-wired)
Cardis Cables and interconnects
Thanks for the feedback, Teajay and Bigkidz. I appreciate your input. Aside from sound, if the X250 lasts as well as my SA/3 has, I'll have many, many years of listening enjoyment!
Audio not fishn, thank you for posting this question, I am in exactly the same situation, (same boat?). I am also going to move up to the X250. I have an SA/3 & Dynaudio Contour S3.4 speakers. Although the SA/3 sounds very beautiful I am looking forward to the extra slam, jump factor, and detail the X250 will give. The reviews I have read talk of the X250 being a little too detailed, but giving up a little richness is a fact of life when going from Class A to a Class A/B design.
Please post your thoughts on the X250 when you place it in your system.
Thanks Page 12. It may be a little while yet, but I'll post my impression of the move up after it happens.
Hi again,
I made the change. I sold the SA/3 after posting for only one day and picked up an X250 a few weeks later. I am just starting to get it set up properly as the system plays second fiddle to the Xmas tree at this time of year. Let me know if you still have any specific questions and I will do my best to answer. Cheers,
Please post your comments on the sonic differences between the Threshold and Pass Lab amps because I am also an owner of a Threshold S350e and was thinking of a Pass Lab upgrade as well.