Threshold SA/4E or Pass X-250??

Any one had a chance to spend time with these two amps? What opinions have you formed? I will be driving either Harbeth SHL5s or Harbeth 40.1s with either of them. I am mainly wondering what sonic differences i might hear? Thanks for any help.
If you're still considering the Threshold, you may want to get some of the power supply parts upgraded/replaced as electrolytics age. I'm still running an old Threshold S/500 and love it.
I'm going to bring the Threshold home for an audition. I'll post my opinions compared to the Manley Snappers i have here now.
Any idea on a ballpark number the cost of replacing power supply caps?
I'd suggest getting in contact with Jon Soderberg of Vintage Amp Repair:
Thanks Unsound. I called and he gets in around 8:30 my time tonight so i will call him back. Also called and talked to Threshold about the cost of a basic rebuild and re-bias of the amp. I Hope the SA/4e does as well with my Harbeths as it did with the Thiels when I heard it.